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[1] What is the primary objective of the Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT)?

a) To monitor the Earth's atmosphere for changes in temperature

b) To observe and measure greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere

c) To track the movement of pollutants in the atmosphere

d) To measure the amount of ozone in the atmosphere

[2] What type of greenhouse gas does GOSAT primarily measure?

a) Carbon dioxide

b) Methane

c) Nitrogen dioxide

d) Water vapor

[3] From what altitude does GOSAT measure greenhouse gas concentrations?

a) The surface of the Earth

b) The upper atmosphere

c) The lower atmosphere

d) Vertically through the entire atmosphere

[4] How often does GOSAT collect data on greenhouse gas concentrations?

a) Daily

b) Weekly

c) Monthly

d) Continuously

[5] What instrument on GOSAT is responsible for measuring greenhouse gas concentrations?

a) The infrared spectrometer

b) The ultraviolet spectrometer

c) The radar instrument

d) The camera

[6] What is the primary source of data for GOSAT's greenhouse gas measurements?

a) Ground-based monitoring stations

b) Air samples collected by aircraft

c) Measurements taken by the satellite itself

d) Weather forecast models

[7] What is the resolution of GOSAT's measurements of greenhouse gas concentrations?

a) 1 square kilometer

b) 100 square kilometers

c) 1 square mile

d) 100 square miles

[8] How long is the planned lifespan of the GOSAT satellite?

a) 1 year

b) 5 years

c) 10 years

d) 15 years

[9] What organization is responsible for the operation and management of the GOSAT satellite?


b) JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)

c) ESA (European Space Agency)

d) NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)

[10] How does GOSAT's data contribute to understanding and addressing climate change?

a) By providing accurate measurements of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere

b) By identifying sources of greenhouse gas emissions

c) By monitoring the effectiveness of mitigation and adaptation strategies

d) All of the above


    1. b) To observe and measure greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere
    2. a) Carbon dioxide
    3. d) Vertically through the entire atmosphere
    4. d) Continuously
    5. a) The infrared spectrometer
    6. c) Measurements taken by the satellite itself
    7. b) 100 square kilometers
    8. c) 10 years
    9. b) JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
    10. d) All of the above

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