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[1] What is GAGAN?

a) A satellite-based navigation system

b) A system for monitoring air pollution

c) A system for managing water resources

d) A system for tracking endangered species

[2] What is the primary function of GAGAN?

a) Providing GPS-based navigation services

b) Monitoring air traffic

c) Measuring ocean currents

d) Mapping land use

[3] What organization operates GAGAN?

a) Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)

b) Indian Air Force (IAF)

c) Airports Authority of India (AAI)

d) Indian Navy

[4] What type of signals does GAGAN transmit?

a) GPS signals

b) LORAN signals

c) GLONASS signals

d) Both a and c

[5] What is the coverage area of GAGAN?

a) India and its surrounding waters

b) The entire Indian subcontinent

c) The entire South Asian region

d) The entire Asian continent

[6] How does GAGAN improve air navigation safety?

a) By providing more accurate navigation information

b) By reducing the risk of collisions

c) By increasing the efficiency of air traffic control

d) All of the above

[7] What is the significance of GAGAN for the aviation industry?

a) It allows for more efficient use of airspace

b) It reduces flight times and fuel consumption

c) It improves communication between aircraft and ground control

d) All of the above

[8] What other applications does GAGAN have?

a) Surveying and mapping

b) Disaster management

c) Precision agriculture

d) All of the above

[9] How does GAGAN differ from other satellite-based navigation systems?

a) It is India's first regional navigation system

b) It uses a combination of GPS and GLONASS signals

c) It is operated by the Indian government

d) All of the above

[10] What is the status of GAGAN's implementation?

a) It is fully operational

b) It is still in the testing phase

c) It has been discontinued

d) It is in the process of being upgraded


    1.     a) A satellite-based navigation system
    2.     a) Providing GPS-based navigation services
    3.     c) Airports Authority of India (AAI)
    4.     d) Both a and c
    5.     a) India and its surrounding waters
    6.     d) All of the above
    7.     d) All of the above
    8.     d) All of the above
    9.     d) All of the above
    10.     a) It is fully operational

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