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[1] What is the main purpose of the Preamble of the Indian Constitution?

a) To outline the fundamental rights of citizens

b) To establish the goals and values of the nation

c) To outline the powers of the judiciary

d) To establish the structure of the government

[2] Who wrote the Preamble to the Indian Constitution?

a) Mahatma Gandhi

b) Jawaharlal Nehru

c) B. R. Ambedkar

d) Sardar Patel

[3] The Preamble of the Indian Constitution declares India to be a:

a) Republic

b) Democracy

c) Socialist

d) All of the above

[4] The Preamble of the Indian Constitution mentions the word "sovereign" to indicate that:

a) India is independent and self-governing

b) India is a monarchy

c) India is a federal state

d) India is a unitary state

[5] The Preamble of the Indian Constitution mentions the word "secular" to indicate that:

a) India does not have any official religion

b) India is a theocratic state

c) India is a Hindu state

d) India is a Muslim state

[6] The Preamble of the Indian Constitution mentions the phrase "social justice" to indicate that:

a) The government will provide free education and healthcare to all citizens

b) The government will take steps to eliminate discrimination and ensure equal opportunity for all

c) The government will provide financial assistance to the poor

d) All of the above

[7] The Preamble of the Indian Constitution mentions the word "liberty" to indicate that:

a) Citizens have the right to freedom of speech and expression

b) Citizens have the right to worship as they choose

c) Citizens have the right to own property

d) All of the above

[8] The Preamble of the Indian Constitution mentions the word "fraternity" to indicate that:

a) Citizens are encouraged to live in harmony with one another

b) Citizens are encouraged to form social organizations

c) Citizens are encouraged to engage in political activities

d) All of the above

[9] The Preamble of the Indian Constitution can be amended by:

a) A two-thirds majority vote in both houses of parliament

b) A majority vote in a national referendum

c) A unanimous decision by the President and Vice President

d) A majority vote in the Lok Sabha only

[10] The Preamble of the Indian Constitution is considered to be:

a) Part of the constitution

b) Not part of the constitution

c) An optional addition to the constitution

d) Only a symbolic statement with no legal significance


    1. B) To establish the goals and values of the nation
    2. b) Jawaharlal Nehru
    3. D) All of the above
    4. A) India is independent and self-governing
    5. A) India does not have any official religion
    6. D) All of the above
    7. D) All of the above
    8. A) Citizens are encouraged to live in harmony with one another
    9. A) A two-thirds majority vote in both houses of parliament
    10. A) Part of the constitution

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