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[1] When was "Vande Mataram" officially adopted as the national song of India?

a) 1948

b) 1950

c) 1952

d) 1955

[2] Who wrote the original poem "Vande Mataram" that was later set to music and adopted as the national song?

a) Rabindranath Tagore

b) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee

c) Sarojini Naidu

d) Subramania Bharati

[3] How many stanzas are there in the original poem "Vande Mataram"?

a) 2

b) 4

c) 6

d) 8

[4] In which language is the original poem "Vande Mataram" written?

a) Hindi

b) Bengali

c) Urdu

d) Sanskrit

[5] What is the meaning of "Vande Mataram" in English?

a) "I salute the motherland"

b) "I bow to thee, mother"

c) "Salute to the mother"

d) "Honor to the mother"

[6] What is the significance of "Vande Mataram" in Indian history?

a] It was used as a slogan during India's struggle for independence

b) It was written as a tribute to the British Raj

c) It was written as a tribute to the Mughal Empire

d) It was written as a tribute to the Greek goddess Athena

[7] Which political party opposed the adoption of "Vande Mataram" as the national song?

a) Indian National Congress

b) Bharatiya Janata Party

c) Muslim League

d) Communist Party of India

[8] Has "Vande Mataram" ever been banned in India?

a) Yes, during British colonial rule

b) Yes, during the Indian Emergency in the 1970s

c) No, it has never been banned

d) Yes, by the Indian government in the 1990s

[9] Who composed the music for "Vande Mataram" when it was officially adopted as the national song?

a) Rabindranath Tagore

b) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee

c) Ravi Shankar

d) Jadunath Bose

[10] Is "Vande Mataram" officially recognized as the national anthem of India?

a) Yes

b) No, it is only recognized as the national song

c) No, it is only recognized as the national hymn

d) No, it is only recognized as the national anthem in some states


    1.     b) 1950
    2.     b) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
    3.     d) 8
    4.     b) Bengali
    5.     b) "I bow to thee, mother"
    6.     a] It was used as a slogan during India's struggle for independence
    7.     c) Muslim League
    8.     c) No, it has never been banned
    9.     d) Jadunath Bose
    10.     b) No, it is only recognized as the national song

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