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[1] What is the core material used in optical fibers?

a) Glass

b) Plastic

c) Copper

d) Silver

[2] What is the function of the cladding layer in an optical fiber?

a) To protect the core from damage

b) To prevent light from escaping the core

c) To increase the strength of the fiber

d) To reduce attenuation

[3] What is the most common type of optical fiber used for telecommunications?

a) Single mode

b) Multi-mode

c) Plastic optical fiber

d) Graded-index

[4] What is the typical wavelength range for optical fibers used in telecommunications?

a) 400-800 nm

b) 800-1200 nm

c) 1200-1600 nm

d) 1600-2000 nm

[5] What is the main advantage of optical fibers over copper cables?

a) Higher bandwidth

b) Greater resistance to electromagnetic interference

c) Lower attenuation

d) All of the above

[6] What is the main disadvantage of optical fibers compared to copper cables?

a) Higher cost

b) More fragile and difficult to install

c) Limited distance of transmission

d) All of the above

[7] What is the main advantage of plastic optical fibers over glass fibers?

a) Lower cost

b) Greater flexibility

c) Higher resistance to damage

d) All of the above

[8] What is the main disadvantage of plastic optical fibers compared to glass fibers?

a) Lower bandwidth

b) Higher attenuation

c) Limited distance of transmission

d) All of the above

[9] What is the typical attenuation of an optical fiber?

a) 0.1 dB/km

b) 0.2 dB/km

c) 0.3 dB/km

d) 0.4 dB/km

[10] What is the typical maximum distance of transmission for an optical fiber?

a) 100 km

b) 200 km

c) 300 km

d) 400 km


    1. a) Glass
    2. b) To prevent light from escaping the core
    3. a) Single mode
    4. b) 800-1200 nm
    5. d) All of the above
    6. d) All of the above
    7. d) All of the above
    8. a) Lower bandwidth
    9. a) 0.1 dB/km
    10. b) 200 km

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