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[1] What is the primary function of a web crawler?

A) To index and organize website content

B) To encrypt and secure website data

C) To analyze website traffic and user behavior

D) To improve website design and layout

[2] What type of data does a web crawler typically collect from a website?

A) Personal information such as credit card numbers

B) Links to other websites

C) Images and videos

D) All of the above

[3] How does a web crawler determine which pages to visit on a website?

A) By following links on the website's homepage

B) By randomly selecting pages on the website

C) By using keywords to search for relevant content

D) By visiting every page on the website

[4] What is the process called when a web crawler follows a link to another website?

A) Indexing

B) Crawling

C) Spiders

D) Linking

[5] What is the process called when a web crawler indexes the information it collects from a website?

A) Crawling

B) Indexing

C) Spiders

D) Linking

[6] What is the primary purpose of a web crawler for search engines?

A) To improve website design and layout

B) To encrypt and secure website data

C) To gather information about websites to improve search results

D) To analyze website traffic and user behavior

[7] What is the term used to describe the speed at which a web crawler can visit and index pages on a website?

A) Crawl rate

B) Index rate

C) Spider rate

D) Link rate

[8] What is the term used to describe a website that has been blocked by a web crawler?

A) Blacklisted

B) Indexed

C) Crawled

D) Spidered

[9] What is the term used to describe a website that is easy for a web crawler to navigate and index?

A) Spider-friendly

B) Crawler-friendly

C) Search-friendly

D) Index-friendly

[10] What is the term used to describe the process of a web crawler visiting a website for the first time?

A) Initial crawl

B) Initial index

C) Initial spider

D) Initial link


    1.     A) To index and organize website content
    2.     B) Links to other websites
    3.     A) By following links on the website's homepage
    4.     B) Crawling
    5.     B) Indexing
    6.     C) To gather information about websites to improve search results
    7.     A) Crawl rate
    8.     A) Blacklisted
    9.     A) Spider-friendly
    10.     A) Initial crawl

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