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The Earth is divided into four main hemispheres - Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, Eastern Hemisphere, and Western Hemisphere.

  1. Northern Hemisphere: The Northern Hemisphere is the half of the Earth that lies north of the Equator. This hemisphere is comprised of Europe, Asia, and North America, among other regions. It is also home to the North Pole, which is the northernmost point on the Earth's surface.
  2. Southern Hemisphere: The Southern Hemisphere is the half of the Earth that lies south of the Equator. This hemisphere is comprised of Africa, Australia, South America, and Antarctica, among other regions. It is also home to the South Pole, which is the southernmost point on the Earth's surface.
  3. Eastern Hemisphere: The Eastern Hemisphere is the half of the Earth that lies east of the Prime Meridian (0° longitude). This hemisphere is comprised of Asia, Australia, Africa, and Europe, among other regions.
  4. Western Hemisphere: The Western Hemisphere is the half of the Earth that lies west of the Prime Meridian (0° longitude). This hemisphere is comprised of North America, South America, and the Atlantic Ocean, among other regions.

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How to use Mind maps?

  1. Use Mind maps to read the topics faster with a complete topic coverage.
  2. Try to write sentences or paragraphs using Mind maps. This will help you to write better in your Mains examination. It also aids in engraving the topic better in your mind.
  3. Use them as flash cards to revise topics.
  4. Download the images into your devices to study in your leisure times or while travelling.
  5. Use Mind maps to read and revise faster during last minute preparations.

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