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Most mobile cellular phones


Most main line phones


Most internet users


Highest E-readiness, 8.87 out of 10


Most technologically advanced according to the UN's Technology Achievement Index, 0.744


Highest percentage of Internet users, 92%


Largest electronic spam producer, 13.9%


World's fastest growth rate in science and technology, 1000% increase of science & technology output in nine years


Longest hours spent on social networks, 11.1 per person per month


Highest density of eco-friendly companies


Most patents granted


Most patents in force


Most television broadcast stations



Longest total human spaceflight time by country, over 20,000 person-days

South Korea

Highest Global innovation growth at Innovation Union Scoreboard at 6.0%

South Korea

Highest in UN e-Government Readiness Index, with a score of 0.9283

South Korea

Highest in 4G LTE penetration at 62%

South Korea

World's fastest Internet connection speed at 21.9 Mbps

South Korea

Highest in mobile banking usage at 47%

South Korea

Highest Global innovation performance at Innovation Union Scoreboard with a score of 0.740

South Korea

Highest in Economist Intelligence Unit's Government Broadband Index with a score of 4.4

South Korea

Highest patent applications per GDP according to World Intellectual Property Indicators

South Korea

Highest patent applications per million population according to World Intellectual Property Indicators

South Korea

Highest in ICT Development Index, with a score of 8.56

South Korea

Highest in Bloomberg's Global Innovation Quotient

South Korea

Highest application design counts per million population according to World Intellectual Property Indicators


Lowest level of innovation according to Global Innovation Index, score of 0.4


Highest Web Index score according to the World Wide Web Foundation, 100

United Kingdom

First ever emergency telephone number, 999

United Kingdom

The first television broadcaster, BBC

United Kingdom

Most elements of the periodic table discovered, 23 of the 118 known elements were discovered by British scientists.

United Kingdom

The largest television broadcaster, BBC

United Kingdom

The first electric digital programmable computer, Colossus computer was developed for British code breakers during World War II to help in deciphering of German codes.

United States

Most cited country, 35,368,367 citations between 1993-2003

United States

Most science papers output, 2,798,448 journal papers published between 1998-2008


Lowest Web Index score according to the World Wide Web Foundation.

Current Affairs

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